
'Door Closing' on Warming Fix: UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres

On 2nd September 2014, United Nations climate change chief Christiana Figueres warned time was running out for meaningful action on global warming.

She even said that low-lying Pacific nations facing ever-rising seas.

UN climate chief made this statement in Samoa for a UN conference on Small Island States

This worldwide conference is one of the biggest the region has ever seen.


In the Conference UN climate change chief Christiana Figueres made following statements:
  • The impact of climate change on Small island states in Pacific nations is greatest, even though they had contributed little to the problem.
  • Climate change is the greatest threat these islands face and they are recognised as the bellwether of global efforts to address this issue.
  • Unless the world acts on climate change in a timely way, they are going to be the hardest hit.
  • Rising seas not only eroded the coastlines of these island states but also they spoiled water supplies when they entered the water table and swamped agricultural land, rendering it barren.
  • Warming also meant more cyclones and storms battered the islands, while planning was underway for a worst-case scenario where populations of climate change refugees would have to be relocated from their homelands.
  • Countries as large as Papua New Guinea are already starting to identify which are their most threatened populations.
  • These are extreme measures that these islands are having to look at while the rest of the world, want migration of populations out of the islands to be kept at a minimum.
  • Current climate change situation faced by these island nations can be timely curtailed if there is quest to seal a global pact on greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2015.
  • UN wants to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels, which scientists say is the minimum needed to stabilise the climate.
  • The science tells us that we have to stay under two degrees temperature-wise and that the door is closing quickly. It's still possible for us to stay under two degrees but we have to do it.

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