
CAG Shashi Kant Sharma on UN board of auditors

Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, Shashi Kant Sharma on 24th July 2014, took the charge as member of UN Board of Auditors.

He will UN auditor for the next six years.

He was appointed as UN auditor as India replaces China in the United Nations Board of Auditors.

In November 2013, Sharma was elected in New York with a majority as a member of the UN Board of Auditors.

During this election, China and Pakistan teamed up with India to defeat the US-backed Philippines, and ensure that India occupies the prestigious post for the next six years.

This will make the CAG responsible for auditing UN organizations, including the UN headquarters.

UN Board of Auditors has three auditors from member countries.

The other two members of the board are Amyas Morse, CAG of UK, and Ludovick Utouh, CAG of Tanzania.

India will audit New York-based UN headquarters, UN peacekeeping operations, UN 
Development Programme, Unicef, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and almost all other key UN bodies.

The UN Board of Auditors is one of the key oversight organs of the UN and its importance has grown in recent years, especially in view of the resource crunch being faced by all member nations in the wake of economic crisis.

For India, the CAG at the UN board is a matter of prestige for the country and would greatly enhance the visibility of nation within the UN system.

The CAG will assist the UN in bringing about greater efficiency, economy and effectiveness in its operations by focusing its audit thrust on key risk areas within the UN.

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