
Sierra Leone makes hiding Ebola patients illegal

Sierra Leone's parliament has passed a new law making it a criminal offence to shelter Ebola patients.

As per the new law, those caught may face up to two years in prison.

This bill is yet to be approved by the president of Sierra Leone.

Earlier, Ivory Coast closed its land borders to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus on to its territory.

The World Health Organization says the measures taken by other countries as well  are counterproductive.

So far 1,427 people have died - more than in any other Ebola outbreak.

WHO says Ebola outbreak underestimated because:
  • Many families keep sick people at home, as there is no cure.
  • Many health centres have closed because medical staffs have fled.
  • In Liberia, treatment centres are overwhelmed.
  • The existence of "shadow-zones", areas where there are reports of Ebola but which cannot be accessed because of local resistance or lack of staff.
Ebola map
About Ebola virus:
  • Symptoms include high fever, bleeding and central nervous system damage
  • Fatality rate can reach 90% - but current outbreak has mortality rate of about 55%
  • Incubation period is two to 21 days
  • There is no vaccine or cure
  • Supportive care such as rehydrating patients who have diarrhoea and vomiting can help recovery
  • Fruit bats, a delicacy for some West Africans, are considered to be virus's natural host

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