
On 28th August 2014, Turkey's outgoing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will swear as President.

He had won presidential elections on August 10.

His office to President will extend his more than decade-long political domination of the country.

Erdogan will take oath in Ankara (Turkey’s capital) and usher in a new era for Turkey.

He is expected to push for a new constitution and seek to further transform the country with development projects.

Heads of state from a dozen nations in Eastern Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East will attend the ceremony, including Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko.

Erdogan Political Journey and Future Prospects

Erdogan, was Prime minister of Turkey from 2003 to 2014.
He won presidential elections on August 10 against a weak opposition.

He is also chairman of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which holds a majority of the seats in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

The negotiations for Turkey's accession to the EU gained momentum during Erdogan's tenure as Prime Minister.

Parallel to this, the civil–military relationship moved towards normalization in which the influence of the military was reduced.

When he was Prime Minister, his foreign policy vision is claimed to rest on Neo-
Ottomanism, the policy according to which Turkey should maintain and increase its presence in the lands formerly ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

Under his premiership, the country has consolidated its position as a regional power with global ambitions.

He also had served as Mayor of Istanbul from 1994 to 1998.

Neo- Ottomanism is a Turkish political ideology that, in its broadest sense, promotes greater political engagement of the modern Republic of Turkey within regions formerly under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, its predecessor state.

Ottoman Empire (1299–1923) included the states of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

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